Sunday, 17 July 2011

Roof tiles are a go

Went around to the site on Saturday to have a look at the progress and things still seem to be progressing at a hearty pace. Roof tiles are about half done by the looks of things and there's all sorts of ducting going in. All the windows are there now, with the wooden ones for the front yet to be installed.

There are a couple of minor issues with the frame, but the site supervisor assures me they're in hand. We'll be meeting him for the first time on Friday, so that will be good to put a face to a name.

As of writing we're 5 1/2 weeks since the site scrape, and just 3 1/2 weeks since the slab pour!


  1. It looks HUGE!!!
    Fantastic progress. If your build is anything like ours it'll be done before you know it :)

  2. Very good progress. I too want to see my roof in 3 1/2 weeks:) Yay!
